The development of the initiative is conditioned by the elimination of a number of practical problems that have emerged during the six years of operation of the Law On the State Supervis ion Service, the clarification of supervisory tools, and the need to respond more effectively to modern challenges at the current stage of the service development, Head of the RA State Supervision Service Romanos Petrosyan said, presenting in the first reading the package of the bill On Making Amendments to the Law On the State Control Service and the attached bills.
The first key amendment envisages reserv ing the function of exercising control over the execution of the state budget by the Ministry of Finance to the State Supervision Service. “ As a result of the necessary legislative regulations, the subdivision of the Ministry of Finance implementing this function will be removed from the structure of the M inistry after the reorganization and will operate under the subordination of the RA State Supervision Service,” the rapporteur emphasized.
The initiative defines the general competences of the service, further specifies the procedures for conducting studies and monitoring as methods of exercising control.
According to Romanos Petrosyan, the concrete frameworks of controlling objects has been defined. In particular, among others, the staffs of the Prime Minister and the Regional Governors have been envisaged as controlling objects.
“In order to prevent possible cases of creating obstacles to the activities of the service during the exercise of control powers, and to counteract this, legislative guarantees have been established, providing for administrative liability for these entities,” the H ead of the service noted. According to him, additional supervisory tools have been envisaged within the framework of the service powers in order to increase the effectiveness of supervision over the legality of the management of subsidies, subventions or grants provided to local self-government bodies.
The initiative regulates the procedures for obtaining certain confidential data. The rapporteur highlighted the fact that the propos ing new legal regulations will create broader opportunities for recording cases of alleged corruption offenses discovered as a result of the service activities, thereby contributing to the effective fight against corruption.
Romanos Petrosyan answered the deputies’ questions, which related to the amendments proposed by the initiative and the supervisory functions carried out by the service.
The package of bills, revised based on some proposals submitted by the Expert and Analytical Department of the National Assembly Staff, was de bate d at the Standing Committee on Financial, Credit and Budgetary Affairs at February 3 sitting and was endorsed.
At the sitting, the Coordinating Expert of the Budget Office Karine Badalyan presented the 2024 annual report on the work done by the Office.
She noted that during 2024, the office received 24 inquiries from the S tanding C ommittees. In total, 627 certificates were prepared and provided to S tanding C ommittees, factions, and deputies.