Starting from economic cooperation, ending with cooperation in the security and defense sectors, and supporting our democratic institutions, it is a truly successful multi-sectoral document that opens up good prospects. This was stated by Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan during the Parliament-Government question-and-answer session, answering the question of the 'Civil Contract' faction MP Lilit Stepanyan about the spheres and opportunities provided by the charter of strategic partnership with the US.
“I want to touch on something else. Some said: "We were saved, that's it, dear people, we weren't saved, and there's no need to look for saviors at all, just as there was no need to look for saviors in the North before, now there's no need to look for saviors in the North, in the South, in the East, in the West, anywhere. If we have a way to be saved, we ourselves must do so that we are saved and develop. We are not looking for saviors and we have not found saviors with this document.
To perceive what is there in the right measure, no less, because it was a truly important document, and it is impossible to call it a dull document in any way, if you try to evaluate it objectively, no more either. It cannot be called a military alliance, it is not a treaty at all, it is a charter," said Mirzoyan.