Dear teachers,
I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday – Teacher’s day. You are the bridge meant to provide an unbroken link between knowledge, upbringing, human virtue and civic consciousness.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of the teachers in the formation of public consciousness, education and development, regardless of the era or the society, as a teacher is not simply a profession or a job, it’s a vocation and unconditional devotion, continuous efforts and improvement.
The society, the Armenia we will have tomorrow, greatly depend on you and your responsible work, for you don’t merely participate in or implement a primitive process of information exchange, you are the ones that raise reasonable and free citizens and bring up generations armed with knowledge, thus becoming the guarantee of a prosperous and developing Armenia.
Today, in those crucial times for our country, a task way more responsible is on your shoulders, for today, more than ever, we need to be strong in mind, knowledge and education, and you, with your capacities and skills to pass it all on, are the sculptors of the welfare and safety of our children, grandchildren and generations, and the power of our country.
Dear teachers,
Once again, I congratulate you on Teacher’s day, wishing you vigour, continuous professional success and personal happiness.