The Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan introduced the newly appointed Chief of Staff Arsen Torosyan to the PM's Office.
Nikol Pashinyan thanked Eduard Aghajanyan for his work in the Prime Minister's Office and noted that Aghajanyan assumed the post in a difficult situation. "The period of his activity has been very difficult in general, he has done his job with honor. And there is no secret - Mr. Aghajanyan is my political partner and continues to be so. I am sure that we will continue our joint path, "Nikol Pashinyan said.
The Prime Minister wished success to Arsen Torosyan in his new status as the chief of staff of the PM's office and formulated the task set before him.
"After the war the public administration system needs a restart, and that restart should definitely start with the Prime Minister's Office. That restart is the main task set before Mr. Torosyan. And, of course, not only before him, but in front of all of us", the Prime Minister said in particular.