According to the website of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Russian peacekeepers provide the peacful return of the civilians to their residences, they also provide humanitarian aid and rebuild civilan buildings.
During the day peacekeepers provided the peaceful return of the 842 displaced civilans to Artsakh. In general, since November 14th 2020, 45923 people returned to Artsakh.
Russian peacekeepers continue the demining in the territory of Artsakh.
While demining the territory of Artsakh, since November 23, 2020, 320 hectares of territory was cleaned with unexploded ammunition,122.7km of roads, 505 residental buildings, including 15 social infrastructures,12459 explosive devices were found and neutralized.
Russian medcial brigade provided ambulatory and polyclinic aid to 25 civilians, including two children. In general, Russian doctors helped 972 civilians of Artsakh, including 125 children.
Russian peacekeepers, in cooperation with the ICRC, and representatives of the Artsakh Rescue Service, continued the search and transfer of the dead bodies.
The hot -line continues to collect the information about people who were lost during the Artsakh conflict. Since the beginning of the work 549 calls received. All the applications were transfered to the search teams of reconciliation center.