Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan presented a report on the number of cars purchased and donated to the government during his 100 days in office.
"During the more than 100 days of my tenure, the Government of the Artsakh Republic has purchased 4 "Ural" fire trucks and one auto-ladder for state needs. Naturally, these purchases were made for the State Emergency Service of Artsakh. We did not buy another car.
During this time, however, through personal connections, were acquired and donated by benefactors:
14 cars to the National Security Service,
4 cars to the Police,
To the State Emergency Service - 4 cars.
The RA Government donated 7 ambulances and 3 reanimobiles to the Artsakh Ministry of Health.
Let me remind you that I also received my 2 official cars (Toyota LC 200 and electric car) from benefactors.
"Our approach to spending state funds efficiently and economically will be a key guideline for us over the next five years, and we will report to the public on a regular basis", the Artsakh President said.