The RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan isuued a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the RA Declaration of Independence.
"Dear compatriots, proud citizens of the Republic of Armenia,
30 years ago, the Supreme Council adopted Armenian Declaration of Independence, which marked the beginning of the process of establishing an independent state. This historic decision was based on the will of the Armenian people to have an independent state and stemmed from that will, which was confirmed a year later by the referendum on Armenia's independence.
The past 30 years have been full of trials, failures and victories. The most important of these victories was the glorious Artsakh liberation war, which was the basis and impetus for the formation of the Armenian army.
The victorious battles of July 2020 proved that we have an efficient army that is able to defend Armenia's security and that Armenia can honorably fulfill its function of guarantor of Artsakh's security.
The biggest failure of the last 30 years is the low level of development of state and public institutions, if not the lack of institutions. Almost immediately after gaining independence, Armenia suffered from a lack of an independent judiciary, the rule of law, and equality before the law.
For many years, corruption has been a key tool of public administration, leaving Armenia without an effective public administration system.
Corruption has pervaded everywhere: government, the judiciary, schools, kindergartens, universities, academia, the media, the electoral system, and sometimes even the sphere of spiritual relations.
This was not the failure of individual groups or individuals, but of all of us, our collective failure, where each of us played a role, big or small. The most catastrophic consequence of all this was that the citizen was alienated from his state, rights and responsibilities, the state order became alien to the citizen, because it was based not on his will, but on political coercion based on corruption and electoral fraud.
The Nonviolent, Velvet, People's Revolution of 2018 came to resolve this very contradiction. The citizen, who was alienated from the right, regained his right to form a state power. And this is a historic opportunity to fixe our successes and correct the failures of our past 30 years.
Our primary task remains the same - establishment of state and public institutions. The normal development of the army must continue, and we must aim to have one of the most efficient armies in the world.
Electoral system in which fraud is ruled out, an independent judiciary, an educational system, free of fraud, that serves the institutional goals of our state and people and enhances competitiveness, a system of public administration that promotes high professionalism and efficiency, an innovative, creative and competitive economy, citizen, businessman, official, who are equally pursuing their responsibilities and rights.
This is our urgent task, which can be accomplished only in conditions and atmospheres when each of us realizes the impact of our individual behavior on reality, when the protection of minority rights does not become a coercion against the majority, condemning the country to eternal skidding.
Work, education, continuous improvement of skills, knowledge, should become the cornerstone of every citizen's social security and welfare, every citizen (except in cases of disability) should first be responsible for his own welfare, and the government and the state should provide sufficient educational, legal, competitive conditions for the legal and effective exercise of that responsibility.
Dear people, proud citizens of the Republic of Armenia,
Congratulations to all of us on the 30th anniversary of the Armenian Declaration of Independence. We recently adopted the new National Security Strategy, where we stated that today's Armenia positions itself as the most important milestone in the millennial state march of the Armenian people, and our current behavior will predetermine the coming millennium fate of the Armenian people.
The state order established in Armenia must become friendly to every citizen and must stem from the conscious responsibility of every citizen.
We are the representatives of the generation that adopted the Declaration of Independence and it is our historic duty and mission to make our proclaimed dreams come true.
And this puts a special responsibility on each of us, because the Armenian state must exist forever, the Armenian people must exist forever.
And so -
Long live Freedom!
Long live the Republic of Armenia!
Long live the Artsakh Republic!
And long live us and our children who live and will live in the Free and Happy Armenia!", the message reads.