On July 1 Armenia was elected the leader country of the "Technologies and Innovation" coalition formed within the framework of the "Generation of Equality" forum.
The "Generation of Equality" Forum operates under the auspices of the UN-sponsored Gender Equality and UN-Women organization, as well as by initiative of French and Mexican governments in close cooperation with civil society.
The initiative aims to promote cooperation between states, international organizations and civil society in the context of the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women.
The forum is based on six thematic alliances aimed at promoting gender equality and women's rights in economic empowerment, healthcare, climate change, as well as gender-based violence prevention, feminist movements and leadership areas.
The leaders of the alliances include 20 countries, other international structures that are part of the UN system, charitable organizations, as well as well-known non-governmental organizations.