No precipitation expected on the territory of Armenia overnight October 27-28. There will be precipitation starting from October 28 that will last through October 29 -31, followed by wet snow mostly in mountainous areas.
No precipitation expected on the territory of Armenia overnight October 27-28. There will be precipitation starting from October 28 that will last through October 29 -31, followed by wet snow mostly in mountainous areas. From October 27-29 the temperature will rise in 5-7 degrees, while during the second half of October 30th there will be a drop in 2-3 degrees.
No precipitation expected in the capital city overnight October 27-28, while it may probably rain on October 29-31. The Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies urges drivers to use exclusively winter tires. As of 11:30 a.m. October 26th it is snowing in Goris and Meghri.
There are ongoing cleaning works conducted on interstate roads. All the interstate roads, as well as those of republican importance are currently open for traffic.
Yesterday evening the rescuers helped 85 tracks, 5 buses, 10 microbuses and 170 passenger cars out of the traffic jam that was resulted from heavy snow and ice roads right before reaching Dilijan tunnel.