Azerbaijani side has used different caliber weapons, and 60 and 82 mm mortars in northeastern direction of Armenia-Azerbaijani state border, against Armenian settlements and soldiers on the position line of Berdavn and Koti settlements, RA Tavoush region.
Azerbaijani side has used different caliber weapons, 60 and 82 mm mortars in northeastern direction of Armenia-Azerbaijani state border, against Armenian settlements and soldiers on the position line of Berdavn and Koti settlemetns, RA Tavoush region.
On the night of April 4th throughout the morning of April 5th, adversary has also used “Smertch” (whirlwind) multiple rocket launcher on the direction of northern front-line.
In the meantime, adversary continued bombarding peaceful settlements and military bases, by actively using UAV s along the entire length of Karabagh-Azerbaijani contact line of opposing forces, one of which has been destroyed by Defense Army.
Adversary actions were suppressed by RA Armed Forces responsive counterattacks. Durintg the firefight contracted soldier Zori Goris Ashrafyan (born in 1983) received fragmentary wounds.
RA Armed Forces maintain restraint and are confidently controlling the borderline situation.