This was Diana’s backstage life. At 20 she became a subject of public discussion.
Diana Spencer was born into a noble family. The slim, blue-eyed girl witnessed her parents’ divorce at the age of 8. The children began to live with their father.
Diana did not stand out for learning, but instead she could become a good musician or a dancer. She also loved children. At the age of 18 she started working in a kindergarten proving that love.
This was Diana’s backstage life. At 20 she became a subject of public discussion.
Prince Charles wanted to marry. There were many candidates, but nobody was suitable for the image of the future queen. For entering the royal dynasty the girl had to be a follower of the English Church, come from a noble family and be a virgin.
Charles tied his life with 20-year-old Diana Spenser at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. 2 650 people were invited to the wedding of the Welsh Princess, and 750 000 000 viewers followed their wedding on television.
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